One of the main goals of this project is that you, the avid animator,
should be able to start working as quickly as possible. Creating
a character on your own, and getting the proper constraints and bone setup
can take weeks, if not months. That's not fast. That's not
even just moderately slow. That's dead slow.
Then there would be props, and backgrounds, and enemies, and all sorts
of junk like that. Taken all together, all of this would be a pain.
Much better that the Dojo supply all of these things for you, so that you
can get directly to animating. So, that's what we'll do. Here
are some files for you to play with! Aren't we nice?
DojoBot: This is a moderately detailed character that you can use
in the animations called for in the tutorials. This model is also
useful when your character (whether the Dojo-Bot or a model you create)
needs an opponent for a particular technique. [ Download
File Directly ] [ Download Zipped file
DojoBot Lite: This character has the same skeleton as DojoBot, and
basically the same structure, but none of the trim and detail features
that makes DojoBot look nifty. At just a handful of patches, this
character is ideal for manipulating in Realtime Mode, or for creating quick
renders for timing tests. Then, when you've got your animation finished,
you can just apply it to the skeleton of the full DojoBot model when it's
time to render. [ Download File Directly
] [ Download Zipped file ]
The Dojo: This is a detailed background setting with a basic lighting
setup and a few propitious camera angles already established. The
goal of this file is to eliminate the need for a starting animator to establish
their own background and choreography. [ Download
Zipped file with textures ]
Dojo Lite: In the same way that DojoBot lite is a faster rendering
version of DojoBot, the Dojo Lite is a faster version of the Dojo.
It has just a few flat planes to receive shadows. All detail is applied
by Camera rotoscopes which are included in the Zip file. NOTE:
This project may only be used with the standard camera angles defined in
the Dojo. Moving cameras will not display properly. [
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