Lectures: Or, Tony sounds off
Projects: Get together with your buddies, and learn, learn learn!
- 3-D Primer, for those completely new to the field
The Attic: Where old projects go to die
- "Dojo" project: Structured tutorials and community feedback on martial arts animation. While this project has not seen actual new tutorials in quite some time, the existing tutorials are still popular enough to warrant a live entry. Who knows? Maybe some day more tutorials will be added.
Every project has a certain, shall we say, life-cycle. Eventually people drift, new projects gain prominence, and old projects kick the proverbial bucket. Since Muse of Fire makes an ongoing effort to help animators develop their skills, we've collected a few of these defunct projects here. They're the results of far too much effort to simply be tossed out with last week's trash, so instead they are archived in perpetuity, for the benefit of future generations.
- "Animation Master Brawl" project: group animation on a central fight scene
- Friday Club: A communal deadline each week. Post or DIE!