Well, the first thing to do for a good punch is to form a fist (or open palm-heel, or whatever you're going to use as a striking surface).  Since there's already a Hand Position tutorial, I won't bother going over that here.  Get the hand into position.

The next bit will come as a surprise to absolutely nobody.  We're going to constrain the hand target to a Path.

Create a new model and drop it into the choreography.  Switch into modelling mode and draw a spline from the starting point of the hand down by the hip, to its impact point, and then back towards the chest for the recovery. Constrain the Hand Target bone to this path, and check Translate-only so that it won't bend and contort when the path moves back towards the body.

Now, to get the facing of the hand correct, go back to the new model that you had the Path in.  Slip into bones mode, and place a bone a little bit past where the punch will impact.  Constrain the Hand Target to Aim-At that bone.  That will make sure that the hand retains a reasonable facing as it moves.  You might also want to set a few keyframes for the Bicep target, to make sure that the arm is correctly oriented.

If you modify the ease channel so that the punch impacts at the point where the pelvis and torso motions are peaking, you will see that you already have a rough punch animated.  It probably looks very loose and unfocussed, however.  To make the punch look like it's really steaming, you'll need to understand a whole new principle of animation:  isn't this exciting?!?

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