This bit is almost too simple.  Go back to frame 1.  Set the keyframe mode to Translate only, single-bone.

Click on the Pelvis.  Click the keyframe button.  This will make sure that the Pelvis is keyed on frame 1.

Go to frame 60.  Click on the keyframe button.  Just as with the hands, this will guarantee that the pelvis will return to its original state after moving mid-action.

Go to frame 30.  Click on the pelvis.  Click on the translate handle and drag the bone straight back until DojoBot looks reasonably balanced.  If you are really at a loss as to how a character needs to be balanced, you probably should look at the Balance tutorial.

You may also need to readjust the position of the hand targets slightly in order to compensate for the movement of the pelvis.

Notice that when you drag the pelvis bone, the body still keeps facing the line of action.  If you drag far enough, the body may not be in actual contact with the line of action, simply because the pelvis and torso don't stretch far enough, but they will still be facing it.

Scrub through the frames and see how the movement of the pelvis and the movement of the line of action interact to produce a smooth and convincing animation.

You have now finished the Dabble level Bowing tutorial.  Render your choreography and post it to the mailing list for commentary.

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