So, right now you could constrain the Neck and Head to Aim-At the Line of Motion Target, and they would do so. But that wouldn't cause them to lag behind the motion of the rest of the body, so it really wouldn't help.

What you need to do instead is to create a second target on the same path.  Last time we created the bone in the Modelling window.  This time, just for variety, let's do it in Choreography.

Select the Line of Motion object from the PWS.  Click the Bones mode.

You will see the Line of Motion Target bone. Click 'A' and click somewhere well away from the Target bone.  Drag forward a little bit to get some length on your new bone.  It will probably be named 'Bone 1' or some such thing.  Rename it 'Line of Motion Target 2'.

Switch to Skeletal mode.  Click on the new target bone in order to create a channel in the Choreography action.  Right-click on that channel and create a New Path constraint.  Use the drop-down to select the Line of Motion object.  Use the Eyedropper to select the line of motion spline.

Now you want to exactly replicate the Ease channel from the first target bone in the ease channel of the second target bone. In order to do this, you should bring up the second target bone ease channel by double clicking it.  Then, click on the Ease channel from the first target bone, and drag it into the area on  the right side of the channel display (where the name of the channel is listed).  This should bring both channels up in the window.

For each control point in the first Ease channel, make sure there is a corresponding control point in the second Ease channel with the exact same settings.

So, what's the point of this?  After all, if you scrub through the frames now, you'll see that the two bones are exactly synchronized.  So the second bone isn't much good, is it?

Go to the next page and find out.

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